Best Ayurvedic Healthcare Treatment in Delhi

The basic principle of Ayurvedic medicine is to prevent and treat illness—rather than respond to disease—by maintaining a balance between your body, mind, and environment. Ayurvedic herbs are rarely used on their own. Instead, they are used as part of a holistic approach to health which may involve nutrition, yoga massage, aromatherapy, and meditation.

Along with Ayurvedic herbs, practitioners frequently use therapeutic oils and spices to treat illness and promote well-being.

Ayurveda is more than 5,000-year-old healing science, Ayurveda is extremely logical and clear in its approach. This ancient science underlines the need to live in tune with nature and aims to boost the body's immunity, thus aiding in preventing and fighting against all types of diseases. Ayurveda treatment involves a coordinated effort between the doctor and the patient for the prevention, management and healing of diseases.

The divyarishi aarogyam sansthan is famous for its Oldest And Effective Style of Ayurvedic Formulas. Divyarishi Sansthan name and fame continues, and it has contributed in its own way in preserving and nurturing the tremendous and rich heritage which is unique to India.

Ayurveda is safe and natural way of treatment Ayurveda is a science that does not believe in suppressing symptoms ,It focuses on curing a disease without creating a new one. it does not cause fatal or irreversible damage to the human body like allopathic medicines causes.. Side effects are rare in Ayurveda. Even if it occurs it might be due to your body's intolerance to some types of herbs and minerals, or if you are not following the diet and lifestyle advice as per instructions. Ayurveda works by triggering your natural healing mechanism and uses the gift of nature (herbs, oils, minerals, fruits, spices etc.) to create a natural balance in the body. It not only works on a particular disease but aims to restore and maintain overall health and well-being.

Specific Treatment

  1. Ayurvedic treatment basically depends upon the individuals constitution. So, by diagnosing the constitution we can eradicate the disease from it's root
  2. The state of an individual's doshas (vata/ pitta/ kapha)
  3. The state of the dhatus (tissues) (blood/muscles etc.)
  4. The state of malas or excreta (stool/ urine)
  5. The state of mahabhootas or elements ( fire/ water etc.)
  6. The state of the srotas or body channles
  7. The state of the mind
  8. Behavioural signs
  9. Primary and secondary symptoms
    And many more!
Impairment of the doshas, dhatus and other factors can differ in patients even when they may have the same disease. Since Ayurveda aims at balancing the imbalanced factors and restore the impaired factors, Ayurvedic treatment differs from patient to patient and is customized according to different individuals. Not just the form of medicines, even the recommended lifestyle, food regimen, type of exercises, nature of tonics and timings of taking medicines can differ from patient to patient.